Interested in working overseas?

Enjoy support while you are away from home

With growing numbers of Professional Pharmacists Australia members working overseas and our strong commitment to supporting members wherever you are, we have joined UNI Global Union, a group of 900 affiliated unions around the world.

As a Professional Pharmacists Australia member, UNI can provide you with union support in 140 countries worldwide. They can help you negotiate local labour laws, establish banking, tax, housing or health care protection when you are working overseas.

Are you a student or graduate?

Students and our young members can access UNI services too. UNI will help ensure that foreign internships will genuinely help develop your studies or your career – and avoid the exploitation of your labour.


Connect with a UNI Passport

To access UNI, you simply need to complete an online form and create a UNI Passport

Once your passport and membership of Professional Pharmacists Australia is validated, UNI will then connect you to the relevant employee association in the country where you are going to be working.

At all times you will remain a member of Professional Pharmacists Australia, while additionally being treated properly in your new country.

UNI Passport gives you:
  • A chance to make contact and access the services of a local union
  • The opportunity to get involved in local activities or access training opportunities
  • Information on banking, tax or health insurance
  • Advice on local labour laws and assistance with contract negotiation
Find out more and create your UNI Passport.
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Become a Member of PPA

We are a strong network of 25,000 professionals who work together for a better deal for all our members.

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