Your Experience in Remote and Regional Pharmacy

WA retail pharmacist members have an opportunity to provide feedback regarding their specific experiences working in remote and regional areas.

Each year the Logistics & Defence Skills Council reports to the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) on issues impacting occupations listed on the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL).

PPA has been invited by the Council to provide feedback on the challenges faced by Retail Pharmacists in remote and regional areas – particularly around access/pathways to training, housing, and childcare. The feedback we provide goes directly towards the development of the SPOL, and feeds directly into the State’s policies and strategies when they are planning and setting their workforce planning objectives. We are also interested in any ideas you may have to help overcome these challenges.

The survey specifically asks for Retail Pharmacists as described and defined by ANZSCO code 251513

For More Information about SPOL click here.

For a breakdown of occupations on the SPOL click here.

Your responses will remain anonymous. Survey will close 21 December 2023.