Overtime: What you need to know

The Fair Work Act sets out National Employment Standards which are minimum standards covering employment conditions such as the full-time working week being 38 hours. An Award is an industrial instrument that sets out the minimum conditions that apply to those who work in a particular industry.

There are more than 100 industry or occupation awards that cover the majority of people who work in Australia - the Pharmacy Award covers pharmacists working in the community pharmacy industry and pharmacists working in private hospitals are covered by the Health Professionals and Support Services Award.

The Award pharmacists working in public hospital are covered by varies from state. If you are unsure which Award you are covered by, members can contact the Workplace Advice and Support team at Professionals Australia on [email protected].

An employer is not restricted by law to paying award rates of pay, with many employers paying their employees above award rates. However, employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements for overtime, etc. Employers can face civil penalties for breaching awards by not paying what their employees are entitled to be paid.

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